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Landmark Speed Camera Bill Advances to Full Senate Vote

SACRAMENTO —Assembly Bill 645, the groundbreaking bill to make streets safer for all in California with the use of automated speed enforcement cameras authored by Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Burbank), has passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and now moves to a vote before the full Senate.

Editorial: Telehealth is good for people — and for their dogs and cats too

In much the way that telehealth medicine has brought medical resources to people who won’t or can’t travel to a doctor’s office, veterinary telehealth brings care to pets whose people can’t make it to a veterinarian’s office.

But in California, veterinary telehealth is so highly restricted that it is mostly used for follow-up care after an in-person visit or for triage in an emergency.

Sensible Restriction on Rat Poisons Deserves Bipartisan Support

Spearheaded by Assemblywoman Laura Friedman, Assembly Bill 1322 would restrict the use of another rodenticide, diphacinone, and push for better wildlife protections. Getting second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides off the market made things safer, but mountain lions, eagles and other wildlife continue to be poisoned.

A 2022 study by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife found that nearly half of wildlife tested had exposure to three or more anticoagulant rodenticides.

Speed Camera Bill Has Bent Over Backwards to Answer Opponents

For years, proponents of speed cameras, which have proven to reduce vehicle speeding, have been trying to get a bill through the state legislature to allow their use in California. While these bills have met with strong support, there has also been opposition based on a range of objections including equity and privacy. Opposing organizations include police unions, the ACLU, and a few small organizations that support "motorist rights."

Active Transportation Slate Hangs in Suspense in CA Senate

As we near the end of the legislative calendar, it’s crunch time for bills that aim to make biking and walking safer for all Californians. CalBike supports a slate of six bills currently in the Suspense File in the Senate Appropriations Committee. We only have until September 1, 2023, to move them forward, or these measures will fail.

California May Permanently Ban Grass Watering for Businesses

California’s most-recent drought is over. Reservoirs are full. Ski season lasted until July.

But despite the wet winter, an effort is gaining momentum in the state capitol to add manicured green grass to the list of business trappings — like fax machines, pagers and typewriters — that have become obsolete in a changing world.